Sleep hygiene & the Power of Yoga Nidra

On World Sleep Day, rate last night’s sleep out of 10. What is your answer and why? I am here to evangelise that prioritising sleep hygiene and incorporating regular rest breaks into our routine can have profound benefits for our overall well-being. So if you’re with me, read on…

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How to keep joints healthy

Are your joints sore? Is sitting down, getting up, walking up stairs a seesaw of stiffness and pain? When our joints are working we move with relative ease, mainly unaware…

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Healthy habits for Autumn: PART ONE

Healthy habits for Autumn Autumn in the season of the Metal element, characterised by the Lungs and Large Intestine meridians that run from the chest, along the arms down and…

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Cold busting home remedy – v.2

Super simple cold busting drink recipe In my post from 2017, I wrote about my recipe to bust colds. I still stand by my fiery adult ginger & garlic brew…

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Yoga Nidra: the power of rest

Yoga Nidra The power of rest Ever felt like having a complete break away from it all? We live in a 24/7 culture where being switched on and connected via…

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Self care challenge

Self care as a discipline Busy? Tick. How are you sleeping? Waking early feeling rested? When was the last time you walked 10,000 steps daily? How’s the practice/detox/willpower building going? Ok,…

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Stay healthy this winter

STAY (as ) HEALTHY (as you can)  THIS WINTER: TIP 1 So my youngest, Florence, has a very bad cold. I am amazed because my family never get ill for…

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