Wildsong Nidra
Enriched rest to soothe, improve sleep & overall wellbeing
The practice of yoga nidra (yoga means union or joining and nidra mean sleep or drawing into spaciousness and freedom), offers the chance for complete restorative bodily relaxation. It melts away muscular tension, helps unwind patterns of holding and stress in the body and calms the mind into a tranquil state. And it feels great. It can be done very easily by anyone, No mat is even needed. We simply get comfy & cosy, listen and allow the practice to be what is it - sometimes sleep, sometimes waking rest.
Sounds good? Rest with me
Celebrate World Sleep Day with this free yoga nidra
Recent years have been really difficult for many of us. Stress and overstimulation bring a huge range of symptoms: difficulty switching off at night, waking in the night, feeling exhausted, swinging between caffeine and sugar highs and lows, recurring pain issues, sore back, frozen shoulder, digestive problems, IBS, anger issues, a packed calendar with no down time and when we do eke out some space, there is a whole load of unresolved emotions to deal with, so it's easier to switch back to the phone, scrolling and disconnecting.
I warmly welcome you to a safe and nurturing space of connection and easy simplicity. Check out where you can join me live or online and read about the benefits of Yoga Nidra below.
Wildsong Nidra Rest Sessions
At Merchant City Yoga. Yoga nidra inspired by the seasons and its different schools and lineages.
Upcoming dates:
Friday 17 May 7.00 - 8.30pm Early Summer Sanctuary £20/14
Infused with the rosy tendrils of Early Summer this session offers an oasis of enriched rest to restore your energy and bring you gentle calm. What to expect in this session: ~ Simple qigong & mindful breathing to free up the body followed by two nidras: ~ Lucie's signature Wildsong seasonal yoga nidra ~ I AM Yoga Nidra inspired by Amrit Desai's school
Sunday 2 June 10.00 - 5pm Wildsong Yoga Nidra Immersion £95
This special day is a sanctuary for all things deep rest, where we experience 5 different schools of yoga nidra, find out more about the practice and nourish ourselves on every level. Not to be missed! This is a requirement for anyone wishing to do Wildsong Nidra Facilitator training x
Listen now
Wildsong mp3 shop
Enriched rest mp3s to snooze to
I end my weekly seasonal flow classes with yoga nidra lasting 10-20 minutes
The most potent are 121 sessions where we co-create live nidras, tailored for your wellbeing to truly suit your needs. In this way, I can hold the space and nourish you, providing a safe place in which you thoroughly relax and draw from the well of life. Good times are most definitely ahead.
The initial session lasts 45 – 60 minutes, with the nidra lasting 25-30 minutes. Subsequent sessions 35 - 45 minutes. The nidras can be recorded as mp3 to have to use as and when and are strictly confidential. Prices range from £60/40 low waged or you can book a block of 3 sessions for £165/£100 low waged. Contact me to find out more.
Join me on Insight Timer - I regularly share fresh nidras created live in class for free. All you need to do is download the app.
Why Nidra? Connecting with our true nature
We are human beings, not doings and yoga nidra invites us all to come back to our true nature. There is literally nothing to do. When the busy schedule and stress fall away, there is a deep connection with calm and presence. In daily life, we can often forget about it or not experience it at all. Yet this connection is there all the time. Just as the ocean is always still at its depths, so too are we essentially calm and spacious, kind and perfect, just as we are. When we connect with this healing space or aspect, we feel a whole lot better!
Nidra feeds our brains
During nightly sleep we experience a range of healing brainwave states that are essential for physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. We all know what it’s like the day after a disturbed sleep! Nidra enables us to experience these states in a short time so we feel restored and revitalised. I have practised yoga nidra regularly since 2011. A 20 minute session feels like I’ve slept deeply for a good hour! Nidra is not a replacement for sleep as we need to be in deeper states of consciousness for longer for the proper healing and processing to happen. Yet it can top us up especially when we feel depleted or exhausted.
Nidra is adaptogenic. It helps where we need it. So if we are tired and need deep rest, we most likely will fall asleep. When we need to realise something or find the solution to a problem, the answer can magically pop up, during or afterwards at an everyday moment.
Nidra soothes us and promotes longevity
In yoga philosophy, there is this idea of having a number of aspects or layers to ourselves. Physical, energetic through the breath, intellect through our minds, higher connection with that deeply calm space and more. Yoga nidra soothes these aspects very easily and simply, undoing all the tension of stress, and instead, nourishing us, nurturing us in a safe space.
In recent neurological and medical studies, when we are soothed and calm, this is deeply healing. Our brains are connected to our immune systems, so physiological responses can be learned from our emotional state. When we are stressed, we are more likely to experience ill health, catch colds and flu and suffer long term damage to major organs (an excellent book outlining the importance of emotional resilience is Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman). With nidra, the opposite is more likely to be the case.
About me: Wildsong Nidra
I deepened my training and knowledge with the Total Yoga Nidra Network, with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli, was a TYN Associate Facilitator co-leading the first TYN immersion here in Glasgow with Nirlipta and continue my training, practice & research.
Wildsong Nidra Facilitator Training launches Autumn 2023.
The name Wildsong came to me last year. In sharing yoga nidra, I connect with something much bigger than me. I simply hold space and open to the flow. Inviting us all to connect with nature and our heart in playful expression & acknowledgment is at the core of all my teaching. The free harmony of a wild song seemed both affirmative and an aspiration; may we all follow our calling to sing our Wildsong!
Meantime, I offer my sharing of nidra with sincere gratitude to my teachers, my clients and fellow yogis and my path in life.
Warm wishes of the season
Om namah shivaya,
Lucie x
Try for yourself: Wildsong Nidra: autumn
Make sure you will not be disturbed. Get yourself, comfy and cosy, you can close your eyes, have them open, dim the lights, do whatever helps you feel more relaxed. Most people like to do nidra lying down, but you can also do it seated. Other than that there is nothing to do but let me guide you to a deeply relaxed and safe space.