Seasonal Tips
Late Summer
August 21 – October 20
We are working with the Stomach and Spleen meridians in our practice. These run down and up the front of the body respectively.
In Late Summer, it’s all about grounding ourselves; nourishing and supporting ourselves, drawing the goodness of Summer inwards, so we can continue to be healthy and strong from our centre, in tune with the season. A key aspect for Late Summer are nourishing routines and habits that bring steadiness and calm. In balance, we feel capable, able to manage change well with calm and confidence because we have a good sense of self worth. We start to slow down mindfully and balance our doing with being, so our energy levels stay constant.
Yellow is the colour of the season. Yellow and orange fruit and vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, great for supporting the immune system. Sweet savoury foods such as sweet potato, yellow pepper and carrot, sautéed or sweated over a low flame, brings out the natural sweetness, satisfying the stomach.
Don’t eat too much raw food, avoid eating late and drinking too much water at mealtimes, sip regularly throughout the day instead. Avoid iced drinks. If you can, cut out sugar and refined carbohydrates for 2 – 3 weeks and notice the difference. Sugar is not good for our gut biome health and reduces our immunity. Sweeteners are not much better as they stimulate hormones that make us crave sweet things more!
Look after your stomach, don’t eat on the go, but take time and chew your food properly. Eat what you need. How you eat is an expression of who you are!
Jasmine and liquorice tea are good spleen tonics. Cut down or out caffeine, alcohol and other toxins.
Some lovely recipes can be found here
Exercise regularly, though slow down the pace so you are centred and focused in what you do. Strengthen your core using yoga or Pilates. Get outside and closer to the earth, activities such as brisk walking, outdoor circuit training, cycling, tennis and gardening are great. Aim to always have 50% left in the tank so you don’t deplete your energy banks. Balance the physical with mentally nourishing habits.
Bring clarity through high level nutrition and daily routine. Regularly examine the quality of your food, thoughts and relationships. Do they truly support and nourish you? Avoid over thinking and worry through focusing on you, do something for yourself every day and nurture yourself. Boost self confidence and focus with positive affirmations, helping you keep in mind your strength and stability. Extend this nurturing to your home, making it cosy and clutter free. And finally…..sit and read, this is a good time to absorb and digest information.
Earth Yoga Fit
Want to bring Late Summer goodness into your life? Nourish your body, mind and more on my Earth YogaFit programme: second intake starts Sept 29! Find out more
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