Healthy habits for early Spring

Snowdrops in Queens Park Glasgow

Embracing the Seasonal Shift: Navigating Winter to Spring Transitioning from Winter to Spring isn’t a smooth ride. This article looks at what is happening energetically and how we can sow…

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Sleep hygiene & the Power of Yoga Nidra

On World Sleep Day, rate last night’s sleep out of 10. What is your answer and why? I am here to evangelise that prioritising sleep hygiene and incorporating regular rest breaks into our routine can have profound benefits for our overall well-being. So if you’re with me, read on…

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Healthy habits for Autumn: PART ONE

Healthy habits for Autumn Autumn in the season of the Metal element, characterised by the Lungs and Large Intestine meridians that run from the chest, along the arms down and…

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4 tips for self care in Late Summer

September-October is the time for nourishing self care Looking after our needs is vitally important. Making sure we are well rested, nourished and centred means we are strong for the…

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Best Granola Ever Recipe

This family favourite is brings delicious nourishment into our breakfasts, the KEY meal in Late Summer. This is when our stomach acid is strongest so we digest the most nutrients…

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Late Summer

August 21 – October 20 We are working with the Stomach and Spleen meridians in our practice. These run down and up the front of the body respectively. In Late…

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