Best Granola Ever Recipe

This family favourite is brings delicious nourishment into our breakfasts, the KEY meal in Late Summer. This is when our stomach acid is strongest so we digest the most nutrients from our food. When we eat well at breakfast (Qi), this in turns brings good mental focus (Yi). Try eating a good breakfast for 10…

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Yoga Nidra: the power of rest

Yoga Nidra The power of rest Ever felt like having a complete break away from it all? We live in a 24/7 culture where being switched on and connected via our phone is king. So addicted, I am like this pretty much day and night! I can email and message clients, text friends,  get online…

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Self care challenge

Self care as a discipline Busy? Tick. How are you sleeping? Waking early feeling rested? When was the last time you walked 10,000 steps daily? How’s the practice/detox/willpower building going? Ok, no more inflammatory questions. We have enough on our plates, so any change is going to be small, manageable and inspiring. Inspiring? Yes. Manageable? Yes.…

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Stay healthy this winter

STAY (as ) HEALTHY (as you can)  THIS WINTER: TIP 1 So my youngest, Florence, has a very bad cold. I am amazed because my family never get ill for longer than a few days, and because, of course, I am a yoga teacher so I should never ever be ill and by rights, that…

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Black bean, Cacao and Rhubarb Superfood Brownies

Here we are on the cusp of Autumn, the last days of Harvest rolling out under warm sun, drizzle and dreich, dark grey and mist and wind, often all in the space of a few hours as the weather flows over our wee island towards Scandinavia. Much like the sap in trees, our energy has…

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